
In this session, we deeply explored the motivations driving your business ambitions. We discussed the importance of being there for your family, providing financial freedom and time flexibility, and leaving a lasting legacy. You expressed a strong desire to be a positive role model and support other women, while ensuring you’re a financially independent and empowering figure for your family.

We also broke down the emotional implications of your family history, specifically concerning your father’s hard work, early passing, and its impact on your mother. This discussion led to a deeper understanding of why you’re driven to succeed and never want to find yourself in a similar position.

In addition, we uncovered that you might not be using your social media platforms to fully reflect these deep motivations and rich personal histories. You shared the practices that keep you grounded and healthy, such as taking collagen, which is an integral part of your daily routine much like brushing your teeth, yet not often shared on social media.

Your homework for the coming period is to engage more deeply with your audience by sharing these personal insights and stories. This includes talking more openly about the reasons behind your business drive, personal achievements, and the lifestyle you’re striving towards, integrating your business acumen with personal narrative to attract and connect with like-minded individuals.

To further enrich your online presence and engagement, you should consider starting a Facebook group focused on living a wealthy lifestyle and sharing wealth-building insights substantively. This will not only elevate your online influence but also foster a community of individuals who share similar goals and values.