
In this session, we discussed the importance of understanding and meeting the needs of your target audience, primarily by seeking feedback effectively to enhance future offerings. This revolves around asking precise questions like what they enjoyed, what could be improved, and what specific support they might need. We emphasized the technique of giving them choices such as different types of memberships or coaching formats to better gauge their preferences.

A significant point was raised about the general unawareness among clients about what they want. This was used to delve deeper into how individuals usually know what they don’t want but struggle to envision what they do want, which presented an opportunity for you to guide them to explore possibilities and dream about their ideal life scenarios.

We also touched upon the utilization of vision boards as practical tools to help individuals visualize their goals. Highlighting people like Rob Dyrdek and the impact of vision boards in his success story was discussed to underscore the validity and usefulness of vision boards at all success levels, including very successful individuals.

Moreover, we explored various methods of expanding your reach and influence. Suggestions included leveraging social media, tapping into different online groups where potential clients might be seeking guidance, and participating actively by adding value to conversations which could position you as an authority or a go-to person in those forums. Moreover, integrating examples of successful figures who also use vision boards could serve to inspire and validate the practice to your audience.

Potential strategies such as cutting down parts of your programs to create lower-ticket offers were considered to attract new clients by making the entry more accessible.

Lastly, we discussed the idea of continuous engagement through platforms like podcasts and the benefits of networking to expand your influence beyond your current circles. This could involve seeking out speaking opportunities and contributing meaningfully to communities that align with your expertise.

Homework for the next session includes considering to create a small, cost-effective program based on your existing materials and exploring groups where you can start to implement these strategies to grow your network and impact.