
In this session, we discussed strategies to enhance your networking and coaching business, focusing on leveraging your Facebook group and offering free sessions to gain testimonials and boost your visibility. We also explored the potential of LinkedIn as a platform to expand your reach and attract clients suited to your new program designed for high-achieving women.

We reviewed your approach to connecting with potential clients and the importance of continuous engagement both in group settings and on individual levels. Emphasis was placed on offering a high-value beta program to a select number of participants in exchange for testimonials, which you can then use to demonstrate the effectiveness of your coaching and attract more clients.

Homework assigned includes:
1. Engage in outreach by having at least 10 conversations by the end of the week using your beta offer to draw people into your coaching program.
2. Watch a master class on utilizing LinkedIn effectively for business growth and prepare any questions you might have for further discussion.
3. Continue to leverage the Canva templates provided for creating engaging content that reflects your coaching style and the transformative impact of your program.

We also covered the technical aspects of managing your social media profiles and integrating your coaching activities without conflicting with your day job. The session ended with encouragement for your initiative and reassurance about the viability of your strategies moving forward.