In this session, we discussed your challenges with expressing your quirky and fun personality in your videos due to being perceived as serious due to your educational content. You expressed a desire to bring that side out more effectively.
We also tackled the topic of inner dialogue. You mentioned that your inner chatter has shifted from being harsh to more supportive, cheering you on, which is a positive change. However, you expressed confusion and concern about whether this positive chatter could be misleading or harmful, like ego or deceptive encouragement. We explored how to discern between supportive self-talk that encourages personal growth and deceptive self-talk that might lead to destructive behaviors.
Homework for you includes experimenting with bringing more of your genuine personality into your video content. Additionally, continue to monitor and analyze your inner dialogue to ensure it aligns with your true goals and values, promoting positive growth without being swayed by negative influences.
Another key point was your effort to manage personal relationships and health concerns within your family, particularly with your husband’s health issues related to diabetes. We emphasized the importance of supportive communication, not stepping into controlling behaviors, and allowing space for him to manage his health, while you also take proactive steps for your own health wellness.
Lastly, we touched on your ongoing struggle with recruiting and customer retention in your business. You plan to implement strategies to attract and maintain a steady customer base, acknowledging the need for consistent follow-up and engagement to build trust and relationships.
In summary, keep focusing on integrating your true personality into your professional endeavors, carefully manage and analyze your supportive internal self-talk, and continue your proactive approach in personal and business relationships. These actions will help steer your growth in the desired direction while staying true to your core values and objectives.